As a second year moving into third term, I’ve realised a number of things. Not only that free prawn crackers at a nightclub is possibly one of the greatest things ever invented, but (possibly) more importantly that I have met some people that I hope I’ll remain friends with forever. I know it’s cliché, and that we don’t really know how long these friendships will last for, but I’m optimistic – plus I have so much dirt on them that they can’t even think about ditching me.
The only problem is trying to keep the friendships I made before coming to university – the ones that I also thought would last forever. I was lucky enough to have an extremely tight-knit group in secondary school – although this did mean I literally had four friends – and I loved them all. Thankfully I still do, and we have managed to keep in contact throughout term time and holidays, but I can’t help but think about what could happen in the future.
It’s hard enough going ten weeks without seeing someone – what if they move abroad? What happens when they get married? What about when they have children? I’m not going to lie – it’s a scary thought. The essay I’ve got due in is frightening enough, let alone thinking about a job, marriage, babies... Crikey. All I hope for is that I’ll still have those friends to make it less daunting. And to come dancing with me when I’m too old to get those free prawn crackers.
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I like this article :) And you do have dirt on me.... ditto though spud xxx
P.S. Keep writing these.... I for one read 'em