Tuesday, 2 February 2010

La pensée du jour

This is brilliant.

The link above leads to what I would describe as one of the greatest inventions of the modern world. It describes how a ticket dispensing machine in a Birmingham car park gives instructions in English until the car park becomes full - then it switches to German.


Imagine the impact this could have on everyday life. Every time a kid spends too long glued to the box after school, the programmes would change to Italian documentaries. If someone tried to make more than 3 microwave meals a week instead of a decent home-cooked dinner, the microwave would start shouting at you in German. Students who wasted time on Facebook instead of doing work would be faced with something like:

That's Russian for.. I don't actually know. But, see, that's the point.

We would be forced to learn another language, which is clearly a valuable life skill, or else just stop spending so much time on pointless things.

Although, I suppose this blog could count as a pointless thing. Maybe at some point it'll start making me parlez le Francais.

Oh, merde!

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